Thursday, 11 October 2012

Balance Sheet of Life

1 picture speaks 1000 words.

Understand the picture above, it is represent a NORMAL life from from newborn until 70 years old. 

Learn how the life commitments and disposable income varies at each stage of life.

Beginning age of 20’s
After graduation, ‘real life’ begins.
Commitment starts increasing once we have our own life to manage. – we need to pay our own bills ( at least phone bills) & food, pay for our own accommodation & transportation. – bayar tol/ minyak/ tambang untuk pegi ulang alik kerja.

After couples of years working, daily routine established. We want to get our own house & nice car.

Social networking widened, meeting new people everyday, mungkin terjumpa jodoh yang sesuai.. then decided untuk mendirikan rumah tangga.
Guys.. once you decided to get married.. your commitment creaping up so drastically!!

To get marry- you need a LOT of money, man!!. Tambah la zaman sekarang, adat & trend semasa mengalahkan rukun yang wajib.
Wang hantaran yang mengikut darjat & status, hantaran megah berdulang-dulang. 2-3 persalinan siap sedia, pelamin & dewan mahu disiap seperti istana kayangan, senarai panjang jemputan tetamu serata negeri.
Masa ini lah puncak kegawatan ecomony – disposable income on the top of the hill!!

Starting a family requires the abundant of commitment. You are not single anymore. You have other mouths to feed. To provide proper “shelter” to life. A shelter that called HOME.
From 1 child to 2 or 3 children. Daripada kena sediakan diapers & susu, sampai la siapkan baju & keperluan sekolah. Perbelanjaan semakin meningkat sampai la anak-sambung sambung study ke kolej/university.

Keep in your mind.. by that time maybe PTPTN dah takde, biasiswa belajar makin limited sebab anak zaman sekarang semua pandai-pandai belaka. 9A in SPM means nothing!

Kita mungkin perlu biaya pengajian anak2 kita sendiri – setiap bulan, setiap tahun sampai selesai tempoh pengajian  - 4-5 tahun!
Pada masa ni, sekali lagi ekonomi “poket” kita di tahap yang kritikal.

By the age of 50’s – 60’s, we can expect our child independent enough to manage his/her life – get a great job after graduation.
Anak dah bawak diri masing2, built his/her own life with their partner.
Hiduplah kita berdua bersama isteri/suami.

Kitaran hidup yang sama- anak-anak kita pula yang rasa.

Are you ready for all each stage of life?

Dengan negara yang makin pesat membangun, nilai mata wang yang semakin merosot setahun demi setahun. Nilai RM1000 takkan lagi sama pada 5-6 tahun depan.

Apa persediakan kita untuk diri kita & family kita?
Can we get the best for them?

Can we provided our kids the best of everything? 
the best school? 
the best environment to grow & learn? 
the best education for them to be a better man?

To prepare yourself for stage of 40-60’s years.. you have to work hard from now. 
while you still young, anak baru seorang dua, masih ada kudrat yang kuat.

Start BIG saving from now.

What you can do now?

Get side income yang boleh bagi peluang untuk kita grow our money – macam investment.

Now I am offering you this chance.
My business can offer you BIG monthly income from RM4500 – RM40,000.00/month.

Dalam masa 1-2 tahun sahaja, 
kamu dapat penuhkan account ASB, ASPN, Tabung Haji.. 

hence you can be a millionaire!!
(and this is NOT SKIM CEPAT KAYA )

Contact me to set the appointment 
I will explain to you how u can get the best of everything with this business.


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