Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Girl's dream

All girls dream to be slim & beautiful 
Memang dah lumrah seorang perempuan

Kalaulah dapat makan sebanyak mungkin, 
apa sahaja yang terasa ditekak, 
tanpa perlu kira kalori setiap suapan,
tanpa risau lemak-lemak yang menyeliputi badan, 
tanpa takut jarum penimbang berat badan bergerak ke kanan
Alangkah bagusnya. Alangkah bahagianya hidup, Alangkah gembiranya hati. 

Betol tak?

"aku tak makan banyak pun, makan sekadar utk kenyang, .. tapi berat badan tak pernah turun.
kalau lebih makan sedikit cepat sangat naik".

Tak adilkan?

Memang pun! Sungguh tak adil. 
Sebab semakin kita dimakan usia, semakin slow metabolism rate. 

"ohh..  aku perlu bersenam!"

Saya tak sangkal kepentingan bersenam, 
pergi la berjogging petang2 di taman, keluarlah beriadah bersama rakan, panjat turun tangga atau senaman-senaman mudah di rumah.
atau laburkan duit utk membeli alat senaman yang beribu2..
 Ya.. itu hak kamu!

tapi fikirkan..
adakah kamu cukup waktu
mahu keluar beriadah
mahupun mulakan senaman mudah?

Apa jadi dengan alat senaman yang kamu beli dahulu? Jadi tempat sidai baju atau berhabuk dimakan waktu?

Jadi apa kata kamu laburkan duit untuk sesuatu yang convinience.
Maksud saya, sesautu yang dapat bakar lemak2 kamu yang tebal itu sambil kamu basuh baju, kemas rumah, atau berkerja di pejabat.
Tak perlu susah-susah luangkan masa untuk mengeluarkan lebih peluh & toksin dari badan.
Tak perlu tunggu anak tidur baru lakukan treatment untuk masalah kesihatan kamu.
Senang-senang metabolism rate kamu meningkat semula

Semuanya all in one
Terdapat kebaikan dalam 3 keping pakaian dalam
Premium Beautiful Corset

oh ya.. kamu juga dapat bersenam dengan selesa walaupun kamu sedang memakai premium beautiful corset. tentu hasilnya berganda-ganda. =)

mungkin impian tadi..
akan jadi kenyataan

Hubungi saya untuk keterangan lanjut tentang Premium Beautiful


Collagen - why is it so important?

Tahukah kamu, collegen sangat penting untuk tubuh badan kita?

Tubuh kita menghasilkan collagen sejak daripada lahir lagi.
 Semasa umur muda, terdapat banyak collagen dalam badan kita. Sebab itu kulit kita semasa muda lebih tegang dah halus – this is because abundant of production of collagen.

Selepas umur 35 tahun, ia akan terhenti lalu process penuaan bermula sepenuhnya. Kekurangan collagen adalah salah satu factor masalah kesihatan yang serious. 

Sebenarnya banyak product-product kecantikkan seperti lotion & cream badan & muka yang mengandungi collagen sebagai bahan anti-aging (penuaan) . Tapi penggunaan collagen secara luaran tidak banyak membantu kerana collagen tidak dapat menyerap dgn baik ke dalam kulit. Collegen lebih berkesan jika diminum, makan atau disuntik ke dalam badan. 

BBplus drinks - lazat & berkhasiat

Collagen plays a vital part in our body. Our body is mainly structured with collagen; in fact, 25% of the body weight is collagen and 75% percent of the skin is made of collagen.

Our muscles, tendons, joints, hair, skin, nails and internal organs are supplied with collagen to function normally. 
The main function of collagen - is similar to a glue, where it holds up everything to the fullest. However, as soon as the body slows down, the supply of collagen to the different parts of the body is also affected. It can’t hold as much as it can, just like your primary years.

Needless, to say that when you have enough supply of collagen, you won’t be seeing wrinkles, skins sagging, dark spots, even skin color and the rests. Our bones can properly function as well as our joints, and we retain the youthful look.

As we age, the production of collagen also diminishes.We might have these problems..

Benefits of collagen

Collagen to Fight Ageing

Collagen is a powerful long-term anti-ageing protein. It improves the skin's elasticity and suppleness, reducing lines and wrinkles. Collagen produces a firmer, more even toned skin and helps to achieve a glowing radiant & more youthful complexion.
Without enough collagen & essential repairs are neglected, the disease called ageing start to happen.

Without enough collagen your skin & body is old, whatever your age! No Anti-Ageing system can be effective without an adequate supply of body collagen.

Weight Loss & Reducing Body Fat

Collagen, taken orally, can help the body metabolise fat, it therefore has a roll to play in both weight management and the production of lean body mass in both sports and body-building.

Collagen is used in protein synthesis with the body's energy source, fat, to produce the necessary proteins that the body needs to repair muscles, ligaments, tendons etc.
Taking collagen orally, you can stimulate your body's own collagen production.
Almost all the body's renewal and repair takes place during the first two hours of sleep.
The overall effect of the increased fat metabolisation due to the increased renewal & repair activity is a decrease in body fat.

Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Relief, Joint Health

Collagen has been shown to reduce damage to joints and stimulate significant reductions in joint pain, tenderness and swelling while improving the connective tissue of the skin.

A Harvard Medical School study on the effects of orally administered collagen for reducing inflammation and relieving pain (Dr C Searling, Fresco CA.) proved conclusively that almost 90% of those taking part had remarkable results - resulting in a changed life-style for many.

Other benefit of collagen

  • Help to strengthen hair and stimulate regrowth.
  • Nails may become stronger, white spots should disappear and the nail bed should retain a healthy colour.
  • Skin will appear less dry and elasticity is likely to improve.  Skin also heals quickly and will help in the reduction of scar tissue.
  • Helps to fade age spots on the face or back.
  • Collagen is just as important for your bones as calcium. The benefits of collagen help to strengthen bones and reduce the chance of them becoming brittle.
  • Collagen can help to relieve soreness and friction in your joints.
  • Good for your eyes. The cornea needs collagen and it will also help to keep the muscles in your eyes supple.
  • Keep your brain healthy. Glya cells supply nutrition to your brain and these are supported by collagen. It’s important to make sure your brain gets the benefits of collagen so your mind stays in good shape as you age.

Basically, collagen will be an advantage for your every part of your body. 

Collagen is simply an amazing food supplement

that helps the body's repair & renewal systems
to work more effectively

Now collagen can be easily taken in the form of drinks. 

Introducing BBplus collagen 

only 1 sachet (5g) everyday to have beautiful & youth skin

Main ingredient

Hydrolysis fish collagen, grape seed extract, vitamin C, inulin, black current juice, roselle juice, apple fiber, isomaltulose, sucralose

Why choose BBplus collagen?

  • Using fish collagen - safer types of collagen,more readily absorben by human skin than animal collagen & non-toxic.
  • Apple fiber-can help control weight gain,lower cholestrol level,lower the risk of heart disease & fight cancer.
  • Grape seed extract - is a powerful anti-oxidant, antialergenic, anti-inflammatory & boost immune that helps to fight viruses & carcinogens.

  • BBplus contains high pepside & rebuild the chain of collagen in our body.

  • BBplus is tasty & easy to prepare.
  • Affordable!


Contact me to order

Jangan segan-segan kalau ada soalan & nak rasa percuma =)

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Comparison: Premium Beautiful vs other brand corset

Nak pakai corset ni mesti ada tujuan kan?
Pertama sebab nak dpt effect yg positive
Kedua mesti yg selesa dipakai

Saya pernah pakai beberapa jenis corset sebelum saya jumpa dan jatuh cinta dengan Premium Beautiful. 

(entry ni saya cuma nak cerita dari aspek keselasaan saje)

My 1st one

Saya start pakai masa saya study di UTP. Sebelum tu, badan saya agak berisi, pinggang pun taktau kat mana. Saya paling menyampah bila hari raya mama buatkan baju kebaya untuk saya. Sebab saya rasa macam sebatang kayu.. lurus takda curve.
Satu hari mama hadiahkan pakaian pembentukkan badan. (bukan corset sebenarnya - macam swimming suit rupanya). Taktau la berapa harganya. Tapi yang pasti beratus jugak, sebab mama cakap sayang kalau tak pakai sebab mahal.

Pakaian tu sangat kecik, kalau tengok mesti rasa tak muat nak sarung kat badan. Mungkin sebab tu mama bagi saya. 
Tapi saya pakai jugak, memang semput nafas, kain agak tebal dan panas. Kalau pakai, badan jadi macam kurus, ada pinggang & punggung. Yang tak bestnye lepas tanggalkan, badan merah2 & berjalur2. Gatal!! sebab berpeluh & bau peluh yang busuk.

Lepas setahun lebih saya pakai, terasa ada perubahan. Saya semakin kurus & terbentuk - kerana banyak berpeluh. Pinggang dah kelihatan. yeay...=)
Tapi masalah gatal memang tak boleh dielakkan. Saya takkan pakai dalam tempoh yang panjang kerana risau bau busuk peluh tadi & badan saya kelihatan lebih tebal daripada biasa. Saya lebih suka pakai ketika bersenam/jogging/ aerobic supaya lebih banyak berpeluh. Sampai sekarang saya masih simpan, dah uzur sangat. 

My 2nd corset

Lepas beberapa tahun kerja, saya beli satu corset. Memang cantik. Ala- ala Victoria Secret. 
Tujuan beli sebab nak hadir satu wedding, jadi nak pakai kebaya nyonya. Saya fikir kalau pakai corset lagi la badan jadi sexy. Beratusan jugak saya beli untuk pakai dimalam hari. 
Sampai di rumah kenduri, akad nikah tengah berlangsung. Semua tetamu perempuan duduk di ruang tamu. Saya pun terus masuk, duduk dengan tertib - bersimpuh (kain ku agak ketat..huhu). Baru beberapa minit, saya mula rasa tak selesa. Hoooiii.. besi corset yang saya pakai mencucuk-cukuk badan saya. Sakitnya!- dari nak kelihatan sexy dah jadi seksa pula. 
Sampai hari ni.. corset tu tersimpan dalam almari tak pernah buka. 

Other corset

Saya pernah survey corset di pasaran. Kedai-kedai pakaian dalam wanita memang ada banyak dijual. Kadang-kadang kedai kesihatan, kedai jual alatan gym pun ada jual corset. Dalam calatogue Avon, & Cosway pun ada. Banyak & murah. 
Tu yang buat saya tertanya-tanya.. "they all look the same. So yang mana yg lebih baik?"
Lama survey, akhirnya tak beli pun lepas trial. 
Contoh yang saya try macam gambar kat bawah ni..

The final & forever corset

Lepas bersalin, saya risau bentuk badan saya yang makin buruk. Confident level saya semakin merudum, terutama di depan suami. Saya terfikir, " macam mana nak pegi office nanti?"
Dari situ la saya mencari pakaian pembentukkan badan - dan jumpa dengan Premium Beautiful.

Saya sebagai pengguna corset-corset.. saya layak bercakap tentang perbezaan "the feeling wearing corset"

Perhatikan perbezaan pemakaian corset. 

Yeah.. saya telah jatuh cinta! 
Berbaloi beli sebab boleh pakai sepanjang hari & setiap hari.
Bau busuk peluh tak pernah ada walaupun saya pakai semasa saya kerja dalam plant, turun naik monkey ladder, masuk keluar column, tunggu contractor tengah panas terik, kayuh basikal dari office ke site. Seriously.. PB sangat selesa. 

Fabric Akwatek & Akwadyne sangat awesome. Flexible enough to give comfort, at the same time strong enough to hold your body & fat. 
Ketebalan fabric ikut fungsi.
Tetulang lembut dapat bentuk figure yang cantik tapi tak sakit menyucuk bila pakai.

Very smart!! 
Orang yg design PB ni memang bijak
So orang yang beli pun bijak jugak la..Bijak memilih!
smart investment to your body. 


Financial Freedom Plan for 20's

I am 28 years old now. Left with 2 years to celebrate my 20's before turning 30th. Oohh i am growing up so fast.

I was looking for a "list of things to be achieved by 30th". . but i didnt found it.

Instead i found this interesting article about financial freedom before going 30.
Have a pleasure reading.. =)

Being financially secure enough to enjoy your life in retirement is the last thing on the minds of those under 30. 
After all, with the stress of all the expensive "firsts" that often come about during this period, like purchasing a car, buying a house and starting a family, it's hard to even think about saving for the future. 
However, working toward financial security need not be an exercise in self-deprivation, as many people assume. 
Attaining this goal even has some immediate benefits, as financial insecurity can become a serious source of stress - something 20-somethings have enough of already.

So can you achieve long-term financial security without sacrificing your short-term goals? 
Read on for 10 tips on how to do just that.

1. Have Fun
Enjoy yourself while you are young - you will have plenty of time to be miserable when you are older.
Living a successful, enjoyable and happy life is about achieving a proper balance between time with family and friends and between work and leisure time. Striking a proper balance between your life today and your future is also important. 

Financially, we can't live as if today was our last day. We have to decide between what we spend today versus what we spend in the future. Finding the correct balance is an important first step toward achieving financial security. (For further reading, see Budget Without Blowing Off Your Friends.)

2. Recognize Your Most Important Financial Asset: Yourself
Your skills, knowledge and experience are the biggest asset you have. 
 Your job and future career is the most important factor in achieving financial independence and security. For those just entering the work force, future career opportunities are as bright as they've ever been. 
The large number of retiring baby boomers is expected to create labor shortages. 
There will be room to fill the positions held by these aging baby boomers. Those who are in a position to take advantage of these opportunities will benefit the most.

Look at yourself as a financial asset. Investing in yourself will pay off in the future. Increase your value through hard work, continual upgrading of skills and knowledge, and making smart career choices. Efforts to improve your career can have a far bigger impact on your financial security than tightening your belt and trying to save more. (To learn more, see Should You Head Back To Business School?)

3. Become a Planner, Not a Saver
Research has shown that those who plan for the future end up with more wealth than those who do not. 
Successful people are goal oriented: they set goals and develop a plan to achieve them. For example, if you set a goal to pay off your student loans in two years, you'll have a better chance of achieving this goal than you would if you merely said you wanted to pay off your student loans, but failed to set a timetable.

Become a planner. 
Set goals and develop an action plan to reach them. Even the process of writing down some goals will help you to achieve them. 
Being goal oriented and following a plan means taking control of your life. It is an important step toward improving your financial independence and security.

4. Set Short-Term Goals - Long-Term Goals Will Take Care of ThemselvesLife 
holds many uncertainties - and a lot can change between now and 30 years into the future. As such, the prospect of planning far into the future is a daunting task and in many ways, it's often an exercise in futility for young investors.

Rather than setting long-term goals, set a series of small short-term goals. 
These goals could be a simple as trying to pay off credit card debt in a matter of months. Maybe your goal is to contribute to your saving with a set salary reduction contribution each month. 
Setting short-term goals that will help you to advance in your career is important in helping you get ahead. Remember, these short-term goals should be measurable and precise. You can't win a race if there's no finish line.

As you achieve your short-term goals, set other short-term goals. Maybe you want to buy a house, earn a promotion at work or buy a new car. 
The constant setting and achieving of short-term goals will ensure that you reach your longer-term goals. 
If your goal is to be worth a million dollars by age 40, you cannot achieve this without first achieving smaller goals like having $10,000, $50,000 or $500,000.

5. Planning For Retirement: Fuggetaboutit?
 Retirement planning is the last thing on your mind. So, if you have to for now, just fuggetaboutit. 
If you follow the other tips, you will not only be more financially secure and prepared in the short term, but you will also be financially prepared for the distant future as well.

However, if you take a few steps now to start saving, like setting up automatic monthly contributions to a retirement plan, compounding will work in your favor, which makes reaching your goal much easier.

If you implement this pay yourself first ideal, you won't have to worry about how much you're contributing; the most important thing is to develop the habit of saving. 
The rest will take care of itself. You can increase your contributions when your income rises or when you've achieved more of your short-term financial goals. (To learn why starting now can save you thousands later, see Understanding The Time Value Of MoneyCompound Your Way to Retirement and Delay In Saving Raises Payments Later On.)
6. Make Sure Your Lifestyle Costs Lag Your Income Growth
Many new graduates find that in the first couple years of working they have excess cash flow
Still used to their student spending habits, it is easy to make more money than they need. Rather than using excess income to buy new toys and live a more luxurious lifestyle, this excess could be put toward reducing debt or adding to savings. 
As you advance in your career and attain greater responsibility, your salary should increase. If the cost of your lifestyle lags your income growth, you will always have excess cash flow that can be put toward paying down debt, making investments, saving for a home, or achieving any other financial goals you may have.

Where many people get into trouble is that they feel entitled to a standard of living that exceeds what they can afford. 
However, if you keep your standard of living below what you earn, you won't have to cut back to accumulate money; instead, you will naturally have excess cash flow because you earn more than you need to live on. 
In addition, keep in mind that trying to keep up with the Joneses is always a recipe for financial failure. For all you know, you may make more than the Joneses, who may be funding their lavish lifestyle with debt anyway. 
(For more on this topic, see Stop Keeping Up With The Joneses - They're Broke.)

The good life should be a reward for your hard work, good fortune and successful planning, not something that you are entitled to. Once you have established a certain lifestyle, it is psychologically difficult to lower it. It is very easy to raise it.

7. Become Financially Literate
Making money is one thing; saving it and making it grow is another. 
Financial management and investing are lifelong endeavors. Making sound financial and investment decisions is important for achieving your financial goals. 
The more knowledgeable and experienced you are in financial matters, the fewer mistakes you will make.

Research has shown that people who are financially literate end up with more wealth than those who are not. 
There is a strong monetary incentive for becoming financially sophisticated. Taking the time and effort to become knowledgeable in the areas of personal finance and investing will pay off throughout your life.

8. Seize the Opportunities: Take Calculated Risks
Taking calculated risks when you are young can be a prudent decision in the long run. You might make mistakes along the way, but remember, mistakes are the lessons of wisdom. 
You often learn more from your mistakes than from your successes. Also, when you are young, you can recover faster from financial mistakes, and you have many years to recover. 

Examples of calculated risks might include moving to a new city with more job opportunities, going back to school for additional training or taking a new job at a different company for less pay but more upside potential. 
Starting a new company, working for a small startup company, or investing in high risk/high return stocks, is easier to do when you're young. Younger people can afford to take risk, and the same opportunities might not be available later in life. 
As people get older and assume more family responsibilities like paying off the mortgage or saving for the kids' education, many are forced to play it safe and are unable to capitalize on riskier opportunities that present themselves.

Taking calculated risks when you can afford to do so is necessary to get ahead financially. Playing it safe might be the bigger mistake in the long run.

9. Borrow Money For Investments - Never to Finance a Lifestyle
As mentioned before with the Joneses, you should never borrow to finance a lifestyle you cannot afford. Using credit for a life you feel entitled to is a losing proposition when it comes to building wealth. The constant borrowing will assure that there is no money available for investing, and the added interest expense of borrowing further increases the cost of the lifestyle.
Borrowing money should be used only for investing - where your gain will outrun your borrowing costs. This might mean investing in the literal sense (for stocks, bonds, etc.) or it might mean investing in yourself for your education, extra training, to start a business or to buy a house.
 In these cases, borrowing can provide the leverage you need to a reach your financial goals faster. Borrowing to meet short-term desires is counterproductive. (To learn about your borrowing options, see Different Needs, Different Loans.)

10. Take Advantage of Financial Freebies
Not many things in life are free. If you belong to a company pension plan, take the free money it offers and make sure that you contribute at least up to the maximum of what your company will match.

You can also look for (legal) ways to take advantage of tax laws that will result in a tax savings - in effect, the government is giving you free money to provide an incentive to contribute. 

Conclusion: Achieving financial independence is a goal most people strive for. It is not necessarily easy, but it is achievable if you understand your priorities, set achievable goals and take the proper steps toward reaching them.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

23 Random questions

One column in a magazine post this random questions. Actually ada 100 soalan.. tapi nak jawab & tulis semua soalan dalam ni akan jadi sangat panjang dan bosan. So i just randomly picked a set of numbers & answer that questions.

1. What is the last thing you watch on TV?

How i met your mother session 7 on Star world. My favourite series. I can watch it again and again. This episode about Robin & Barney fall in love again. They should break up with their partners and only Barney did, Robin pulak tak sampai hati nak break up with Kevin. Awww... so sad. Kesian Barney.

2.What is on the wall of the room you are in?

My vision board.

3. Do you like to dance?

YES!!.. i can dance in the supermarket while flipping through clothes.

4. If you eat lunch with one famous person, who wolud it be?

I wish i could lunch with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. I respect him. He is a great leader.

5. Have you ever been in beauty pageant?

Never. But i have been nominated for "The best dress" during YEC annual dinner- 2 years in a row!. kena catwalk lagi.
Does this count?? =P

6. Who was the last person you ate dinner with?

My hubby & my son at Secret Recipe, Bintulu. Lepas kerja terus pegi dinner. Adam ate banana in the chocolate banana cake!
Adam love to read now. Time makan dia suka kalau dibacakan buku.  

7. Have you ever won a trophy?

Yerp. 2nd place for Engineering Design Project - during my final semester in UTP.
That was awesome! With my team, we need to design a chemical processing plant. Pernah tak tidur 3 hari sebab nak siapkan plant model. Hard work really pays.

8.Whats under your bed?

Habuk ..!. Saya tak simpan barang bawah katil.

9. Do you believe in love at first sight?

For things yes.. i do. Contohnye macam nak beli handbags, i need love at the first sight to buy that.
But for person.. hmm.. i would say no. Because i need to know the person first, at least to hear his voice, how he respond to me, know him on the surface dulu la.. then kalau suka, proceed to know him more. Kalau tak suka.. goodbye la.
Fair right?

10. How are you feeling right now?

I feel happy & bless. Saya susah nak rasa marah & moody.
Because in our life, there are so many beautiful thing for us to treasure. =)

11. Do you love your job?

Nope. So sad i didn't manage to do what i like to do the most. Tapi insyaAllah saya akan ke arah itu. Keep on dreaming. Keep on believing. =)

12.Where would retire to?

Wherever, as long as my family with me. They are my heaven =)

13.What is your favourite time of the day?

Petang - after office hour. Sebab nak balik, jumpa Adam. Nak main-main dengan dia.
Rindu sangat kat dia.

14. What are you reading now?

7 habits of successful person. I know the book is good. I try so hard to read the whole book.. tp penulisan dia agak boring la.. so perlukan kesabaran yang tinggi.

15. What is the best part of your body?

i love my hands.. i can do so many things with my hand. I am a good cook (ecehh), i can paint & draw, i can do craft, boleh gubah bunga, jahit manik2, mama cakap saya pandai urut jgk. i am very proud of it.
note: but my handwriting saya buruk.. haha
(teringat satu kisah kat sekolah rendah dulu, ada seorang kawan saya comment bila tengok saya sedang menulis.. "awak pandai melukis, tapi tulisan awak buruk"...hahaha) - fair enough.

16. Did you dream last night?

I think so.. tapi apa ya??

17.What is the last film you saw in cinema?

Aduuhhh dah lupa la.. lama sangat dah tak pegi cinema since Adam lahir. Last time was Ombak Rindu kot.

18.Type of music you like most

Ikut mood. but i am listening to music often. I enjoy conversation more & give full concentration while doing work.
Kalau drive sorang2 pegi office mungkin la akan turn on the radio. Tapi mama selalu pesan, selawat & zikir banyak2 setiap hari.

19. Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?

Yerp. Masa sekolah menengah pernah bawak motor & terlanggar orang. 2 kali tau!!! lepas tu dah serik nak bawak motor. Sampai dah kahwin baru la hubby ajar bawak motor atas batas sawah. hehe.. tapi saya akan bawak motor sambil menjerit-jerit sebab cuak.

20.What did you do for your last birthday?

Waiting & wondering my birthday present from my hubby. and i got hand made birthday card yang soooo sweet & a box of GODIVA. Cair hati~. I love you hunny.

21. If you had a Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? who you tell first?

Immediately after confirmed menang. I will scream to my hubby!!! then i will tell my mommy.Yeay..

22. Do you have pets?

Used to have cats & rabbit (i called them nyanyau & momoe). i love nyanyau more that momoe. sebab momoe takleh cakap - bosan.
Tapi lepas dah kahwin, my hubby tak bagi bela nyanyau.. sebab dia takut kucing.. hehehe
& sgt jeles ok!
" choose me or that dirty little kitten?"LOL

23. Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 18 and fine line 14.

Adalah sepotong doa jika ada masalah semasa bersalin
Doa-doa dalam buku ni yang saya amalkan masa pregnant dulu. Alhamdulillah, waktu bersalin sangat mudah, sakit pun sekejap je. Syukur sgt2. doa mama, abah & hubby pun banyak membantu.

Try use this question to answers yours. 
Ini adalah salah satu cara nak lebih mengenali diri sendiri. 
Kadang-kadang kita lupa perkara-perkara penting dalam hidup kita. 
Soalan-soalan begini akan mengingatkan kita tentang apa yang penting dalam hidup kita, apa yang telah kita capai & masih perlu untuk dicapai.