Wednesday 23 January 2013

Adam's First Birthday Party - Part 1

Masa dinner semalam, says utarakan keinginan saya kat hubby nak organize birthday party untuk Adam. He will be 1 years old this coming February. Then hubby bagi green light.

YES..!!! Happy sangat-sangat. Rasa nak lompat bintang.
(note: saya memang sangat suka organize event - apetah lagi untuk anak sendiri)

From that moment, saya start la berangan sampai takleh tidur malam. Haru betol.. tiap kali excited nak buat something mesti takleh tidur malam tu.
Idea datang mencurah-curah..

Ape pun kita buat checklist dulu..


1. Select venue
bukan kat rumah kot, sebab malas nak kemas rumah after party
Mciti Suites - Miri. Nice place~

2. Theme & decorations 
- i have few ideas already - rainbow ( colourful), baby blues (all blue), fly in the sky(blue & soft green). Belum confirm lagi nak pilih mana satu.

3. Food 
Selection of food yg best & sesuai for kids & parents. 

4. Birthday cake
Im thinking of  cute cupcakes

5. Candy bar

6. Photo booth

7.  Montage - sweet moment with Adam

8. Scrap book & guest book

Banyak nak kena prepare ni 
but im so excited!!!
Creating more colors to my beautiful life

See you soon..=)

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