Monday 10 June 2013

On my birthday

28 May 2013 - genap 29 tahun saya lahir. Last year sebelum masuk 30 series. 
Kebetulan birthday kali ni time holiday kat kampung. 

Since the last few months, hubby saya dok minta hint nak hadiah apa this year. Birthday present kot..mana aci bagi hint. Nak surprise birthday present la baru best.. 
Dah masuk bulan May pun dia sibuk dok tanya lagi. Geram pun ada. Tapi biarkan je. Kadang-kadang hubby saya ni poyo je, konon-konon takde apa-apa macam last year. 
No, i never believe him.
Just wait for it.

When we arrived KL, I give him suggestion to celebrate my birthday (only two of us) & tengok wayang cerita romantic. Dia pun setuju. So thats the plan on my birthday. 

I am so excited waiting for that moment. Lama dah tak tengok wayang berdua since pregnant Adam dulu sampai la adam dah setahun lebih. Nak dating-dating macam dulu..haha.

On the special day
Bangun dari tidur, celik mata, tengok ada satu paper bag yang saya memang kenal sangat la. Awal-awal macam tak percaya je nampak paper bag tu. "ishh.. isinya benda lain kot.."
Terketar-ketar tangan seluk dalam paper bag tu..ada satu kotak kecil dalam bag tu. Suara macam dah kat tengah-tengah tekak dah ni..tahan je tak kasi keluar. 

Bila bukak je kotak comel yang ber "ribbon" putih tu, i just cant hold my voice any longer, jerit tak percaya...

I got my 1st chanel on my birthday!!!!

A Chanel brooch. Sangat cantik - simple & sweet. 
a precious gift daripada hubby. Thank you so muchhh..
To have a Chanel - My dreams come true.

Pastu rasa geram yang amat sangat, sebab dia dok cakap takde hadiah apa-apa tahun ni. 
"ok.. u dah guna trick yang sama in 2 years in a row. Next year, sumpah tak percaya lagi. Abis la u...."

Brooch tu my hubby order dari kawan dia, Yla from Germany, way cheaper dari beli kat Malaysia. Pastu Ija, adik ipar saya pun bersekongkol jugak dengan plan ni. Dia drive pergi Seremban untuk amek brooch ni dari Yla. Rupanya plan ni dah lama dah. Bijak-bijak...

Thanks to Yla, Ija, Epi yang bersusah payah untuk hasilkan surprise yang awesome ni. Tak dapat hidu langsung. Thank hunny, i love u so much. 

So our plan nak celebrate my birthday still on. We went to One Utama for lunch, shopping & nak tengok wayang. 

Muka happy birthday girl.. sengih sampai telinga

Muka orang tak bersalah yang plan semua ni.. hehe

 Our guilty food from T.G.I. F. 
Makan sampai tak larat nak jalan. 

 Little cupcake waiting for her turn to be NGAPP

Unfortunately we are running out of time & kena balik awal. So we decided to dropped movie agenda. =(

Habis pusing OU, singgah pulak kat SACC Mall, Shah Alam nak usha baju raya. 
Terserempak dari jauh dengan my mentor Naa Kamaruddin. She got an appointment with her client. 

Then i have another cake on my birthday for tea break at Secret Recipe. 

Birthday outing yang best. Again, thank you hunny for this wonderful treats. 

Birthday wishes from him. You are the best.. 

P/S: Thank you very much to all my families & friends yang wish happy birthday aritu. Terharu sebab dapat banyak sangat wishes. =) =) =)


Thursday 6 June 2013

Bercuti di Colmar Tropicale

Rasa macam lama sangat tak pergi bercuti. Last holiday saya & family was in November last year, bawa family kat Alor Setar pegi Langkawi 3 hari 2 malam. 

Cuti kali ni bawa family hubby pulak bercuti. We decided to go to Bukit Tinggi @ Berjaya Hills. Location yang tak terlalu jauh dari rumah, 1 jam lebih je dah sampai. 

Plan asal nak pergi weekend, hari Sabtu bertolak. But we had to change the plan because I want to attend special entrepreneur program organized by Hai-O & GLAM on the same day. (Check my previous entry). So berkorbanlah sikit & tukar tarikh pegi time weekdays. Kebetulan pulak hotel semua fully booked during the weekend. Allah give the best for us. 

Bersama emak & bapak, (yang lain-lain tak dapat ikut sebab kena kerja) kami bertolak dari rumah pukul 12 tgh hari. Pada pukol 2 petang dah sampai Colmar Tropicale. 

Colmar Tropicale, Berjaya Hills

Colmar Tropicale memang terletak di tengah-tengah hutan hujan tropika di negeri Pahang & pada ketinggian 3000 kaki atas paras laut. 

 Terpegun dengan seni bina Perancis, berdasarkan perkampungan sebenar di Alsace pada kurun ke-16 dulu. Komen bapak " Macam mana ye, diorg boleh buat bangunan macam ini di tengah-tengah hutan besar, atas bukit macam ni?"

Adam tidur je sepanjang perjalanan ke Bukit Tinggi.Dekat-dekat sampai baru terjaga. Masa ni dia tengah "lalok" lagi. Baju pun tak sempat tukar. 

Just below our lobby, ada kolam angsa & ikan koi yang besar-besar.
 Adam dah start excited tengok angsa & ikan-ikan ni. 

Sebenarnya ktrg memang dah tahu tempat ni ada banyak haiwan, Adam mesti suka. Semua  yang dijumpa, nak dipegangnya. Selama ni asyik bacakan dia buku tentang haiwal je, sekarang biar dia tengok sendiri. 

Walaupun tempat ni atas bukit, tapi cuacanya taklah sejuk sangat. Tipah tertipu.. 
Saya pakai knitted blouse yang agak tebal, berpeluh jugak la. 
Satu lagi.. datang sini tak payah pakai heels tinggi-tinggi. Banyak tangga & jalan tak rata. Better pakai flat je. hehe

Try to catch bubbles..

Daddy try his luck to win a big teddy bear for Adam.
"Sorry Adam, Daddy missed both chances" hehehe

Our hotel room is 2 bedroom suites, decorated in a classical French style. Nak pegi mana-mana sekarang mesti kena ada katil king size. Tak muat nanti nak tidur dengan budak kecik ni. 
 Rehat sekejap & tukar baju dulu. 

Masa nak keluar dari bilik, hujan lebat turun. We have to wait about 1 hour before the rains stop. While waiting, kami minum petang dulu dekat salah satu cafe kay Colmar Square ni.

The building behind me is The Chateau. Macam istana kan? Ni hotel jugak kot. Tak boleh nak masuk kalau takde pass- so bergambar dari jauh je. 

Budak baru "dapat kaki". Kemaruk la nak berjalan. 
Nak tangkap gambar pun susah. Taknak didukung dah.. haiihh
mommy love u sayang..

 Sunset view
Lampu-lampu dah terpasang menyinari sepanjang lorong cafe & hotel di Colmar Square ni
Cantik sangat !! Romantik! Actually masa berjalan kat sini, saya teringat suasana ni mungkin sama dengan Xintiandi, Shanghai. Beberapa pasang newly wedded honey moon kat sini. (inai di tangan & kaki masih merah lagi)

Its getting dark, kami balik bilik dulu untuk mandi & solat kemudian bersiap-siap untuk dinner. 

 Dinner time. 
Tak tau nak bawak mak & bapak makan kat mana. Takde restorant masakan melayu kat sini. Belasah je la.. asalkan ada nasi sket. 

Stage performance after dinner
aksi acrobatic dari China. 
Saya sebenarnya bukan berani sangat tengok bila ada aksi-aksi patah pinggang & kepala macam ni. Aauucchh..
Tapi performance ni mmg entertaining! Rugi kalau tak tengok.
 Adam pun tengok & duduk diam je macam paham. hehe. 
And its free!!

We ended our 1st day with this extreme performance from the young professionals. 
Tomorrow another interesting activity waiting us. 

2nd day
Selepas breakfast kat hotel, kami terus ke Japanese Village yang terletak lebih kurang 10 minit dari Colmar Tropicale. It is open at 9.30 am & close at 6pm. 
Adam tertidur dalam perjalanan nak ke Japanese village ni. Memang time tidur dia pun. Terpaksa la saya & hubby tunggu dalam kereta untuk bagi masa Adam tidur at least 1 jam. 
Kalau tak mood dia tak best. 

Dah cukup 1 jam, terpaksa angkat Adam jugak. This place in not stroller/buggy friendly. so takpah la bawa. Tengok la berapa banyak anak tangga nak kena daki! Nasib baik la ada hubby yang gagah perkasa ni.. ecehhh.. 
Mak & bapak dah lama sampai & tunggu atas. 

Semput jugak la nak sampai kat atas tu. 
No heels babeh.. i have learnt my mistake, terpaksa beli selipar jepun kat Colmar semalam. 
The entrance & Japanese gate
Walaupun penat tapi sebab semangat nak tengok the one and only Japanese village dalam hutan hujan tropika ni.. ku gagahi juga langkah ke puncaknya. 

 Sebenarnya pemandangan kat sini sangat cantik. Subhanallah. 
Gambar-gambar ni tak boleh lawan kecantikkan sebenar. Maybe kena tangkap pakai DSLR kot. =(

Adam geram tengok banyak fish. Dia asyik nak celup tangan masuk dalam kolam, nak main dengan fish.

 This village surrounded by flora & fauna in Zen-inpsiring gradens which encircle the Japanese Tea house, Ume Tatami Suite, Tatami Spa & experience the traditional japanese tea ceremony and wear a kimono.

Jom pakai kimono!
Lama dah nak merasa kimono ni. This is the time!

Sewa 1 pasang kimono ni RM20 selama 1 jam. 
Worth trying.. 
This lady helped me to wear the kimono...dan siap!!
Ada rupa orang jepun tak?? hehe. 

 Takde geng laa.. so layan je la tangkap gambar sorang-sorang. 

 Perasan pose ala-ala Oshin.. hahaha

Adam tunggu mommy pakai kinomo. Asyiknye dia main batu.. gaya tu macam orang besar je.

Next destination
Animal Farm
Kat sini arnab & rusa dilepas bebas. Ada macam-macam species arnab kat sini. 

Semua binatang kat sini jinak-jinak. Jangan takut nak sentuh. They wont bites..

Thats all about our holiday trip.
Bercuti kat sini memang best, banyak lagi tempat-tempat yang menarik kat sini yang kami tak sempat nak visit. 

Definitely we all have a good time here. 
Puas hati dapat bercuti & spent quality time with family. 


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Dynamic Entrepreneur Program by Winston Wong

Opportunity may comes in many different ways..
Last few weeks, an opportunity knocks my door.. i and answered it!

Being in GLAM, there are so many opportunity to grab and one of it is this one..

Satu seminar yang dianjur oleh Hai-O Marketing Sdn. Bhd khas untuk Glamprenuers telah diadakan pada 25th May 2013. Seminar bersiri ini dijayakan oleh our GLAM founder CDM Hanis Haizi & CDM Razali Zain

We are so lucky to have Mr. Winston Wong as our speaker to share his knowledge, experience & advice on Network Marketing.

He is the no. 1 master MLM Trainer in Asia, a writer of " The Misunderstood Industry - Network marketing, the new profession" 

Beliau bukanlah calang-calang orangnya. 
He has experiences in corporate world as president of the manufacturing Division of a large public listed company in Malaysia, and also have been in businesses in the Asia Pasific Region before he start his journey in MLM industry for more than 10 years now. 

For me, signed up for this program, sitting whole day long to listen to him, such a big opportunity. Plus I have read his book twice & i still want to get more from him. 

For the FIRST TIME in Hai-O history, Mr. Tan Kai Hee (Hai-O Enterprise Founder and Managing Director) came to show his deepest support for GLAMpreneurs Program. And as we know, our General Manager Mr. Teoh Nee Siang is giving his full support to GLAMpreneurs by providing quality trainings one after another.


(taken from

This seminar started at 9.30am, but as early as 8.30am the hall is almost full!
"great success start with great attitude" 

Welcoming speech by our GM, Mr. Teoh Nee Siang. He really can see GLAM as special group in Hai-O business professionalism & he giving his full support to make sure GLAM always be the best. I am so lucky to be "born" as GLAM. 

 Some of the key points based on his knowledge & experience. 

He reads a lot and urge all of us to read more to gain knowledge about business, products & world issues. 

 "your first step to transformation is EDUCATION" - Winston Wong

After half a day listen to we break for lunch & prays 

 Lunch buffet is served. 
I have a variety of good food, nice scenery of swimming pool and great chat with new friends from all over Malaysia. =)

 Surrounded with all positive vibes really energise everyone. 

The afternoon session continued with another 2 modules 
Succeeding the Business & Leading a Team

Success = hard work, correct choice, discipline, perseverance ( never give up) knowledge, skills, teamwork.. 
That's the price success & financial freedom

"Normal people dont have goals.. only abnormal people have set their goal. 
Abnormal people = successfull people" - Winston Wong

Do you have your goals?
*answer the above question.. 

At the end of the day, he manage to rise this business to another level of perception. 
It is true.. this industry have been misunderstood for so long,
but now the world have changed as well as this industry. 

Group photo with all the participants

Beautiful Circle Top Leaders

 Sebelum balik, sempat lagi CDM Naa beri kata-kata semangat kepada semua Beautiful Circle members. 

I am blessed to be with this great group & having this great opportunity
Thank you GLAM!!

Lets be part of my team, 
you will have the same opportunity
